The HK Prize is a reward programme for outstanding research by young Fellows of the Academy. The award aims to recognise the importance of clinical research for the health of society and foster the development of the medical profession. The award includes an engraved gold medal and a cash prize of HK$25,000. Interested Fellows are invited to submit their publications (with the author name and academic rank included in the footnote) for consideration. Submissions relating to any areas of medicine are welcomed, including but not limited to prospective or retrospective clinical studies, epidemiological studies, basic science studies, and meta-analysis. Case reports and letters to the editor will not be considered.
The prize ceremony took place on Tuesday night (December 19 2023) at the Hong Kong Palace Museum. The Hon John KC Lee, Chief Executive of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, delivered opening remarks via video conference.
Students from all secondary schools in Hong Kong participated in the competition. Their written reports were judged according to the relevance of the theme, systematic use of collected materials, objectivity in analysis, citation of bibliography and footnotes and overall assessment of quality. Each winning team received a trophy and a certificate.
This year’s winners include a team of students from Wong Shiu Chi Secondary School on “The Development of Pig Farming Industry during 1967 Riots”, and another team from Tak Oi Secondary School on “The Canton – Hong Kong Border and the Relationship between China and Hong Kong”.
The Hong Kong Prize is open to all secondary school art teachers in Hong Kong and the judging panel will select the Champion, First Runner-up and Second Runner-up. The winner will be invited to join a special art activity organised by HKMoA and be awarded a certificate of achievement. In addition, they will be able to apply for scholarships with Wharf for further study in the art field.
For the first time, the Hong Kong Prize has a lucky draw element this year. The organiser has announced a total prize pool of HK$40 million for the lucky draw, which will be divided into 10 categories and is available to all Hong Kong residents and tourists alike. Besides round-trip Cathay Pacific plane tickets, the lucky draw prizes also include supermarket vouchers and iPhones.
The Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra extends sincere thanks to the Hong Kong SAR Government and Principal Patron the Swire Group for their generous support, as well as music-lovers in Hong Kong and around the world who have voted for the HK Phil to win this prestigious honour. The HK Phil is proud of its achievements in the past 12 months, including completing a four-year project to record Wagner’s Ring cycle and releasing it as a box-set. The HK Phil is committed to continuing its mission to bring the best of music from the world’s greatest orchestras to Hong Kong audiences. We look forward to celebrating more memorable moments in the years to come.